IRATA Level 3 onsite safety
Abseiling & rope access can be quite dangerous, even deadly if not conducted in the correctly manner, using suitable equipment & above all, a safety conscious approach. The most important thing for SAS is everybody going home at the end of the day safely & in one piece.
The best way to ensure this is to have the highest standard of safety procedures possible. To achieve this high standard, SAS uses only Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) trained technicians, supervised by an IRATA Level 3 Rope Access Supervisor on site while rope access operations are underway. SAS strictly follow the IRATA Code of Practice (ICOP), Australian Standards & ISO’s for continual safety while working at height.
What SAS can deliver to you with its on-site safety & technical experience is above & beyond what any other company in the region can give in regards to Working at Height advice & experience.